Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends

My taste in music, which I have mentioned before may or may not be relatively indie at times, but in certain situations I will settle for nothing less than the bubblegum pop from my early adolescence that I certainly eschewed at the time but have embraced with open arms of late. "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne just came on and Oh Em Gee does that song make me happy. This sometimes purported origination of the MILF is all kinds of delightful. Also included in this mix is "Addicted" by Simple Plan as well as a little bit of the soundtrack to Mamma Mia (you just TRY listening to Dancing Queen without improving your mood significantly) but even some more respectable selections like Vampire Weekend, The White Stripes, The Killers and the Strokes. It is, by far, one of the best mixes I have ever made, aside from how spot on my iTunes genius is capable of being (the one time it ultimately fails is when I want to listen to the Beastie Boys because the mix inevitably ends up consisting solely of the Beastie Boys, TTC [a French rap group] and The Roots, because these are the only Rap/Hip-Hop artists that I have more than one song of)(what can I say, I'm a white girl).

However, the basis of this mix is questionable. It makes me vaguely ashamed and I hate to tell you that I purchased this song last Sunday night and I've already listened to it 19 times (not counting the number of times it has played on my shuffle). But I. LOVE. THIS. SONG. It makes me smile, it lets me know everything's gonna be ok. It puts my hands in the air, people.

Yes, Party in the USA is the basis of this, my most awesome of mixes. And I love it. While I was not 100% present upon purchasing it from the iTunes store, my roommate commented that she admired how unabashedly I was dancing to it on my bed and how enthusiastic I was about it. And I've decided to go with that. Sure, I can continue to dislike Hannah Montana (I mean, really, it's just a wig! How does no one notice? How is this the premise for an entire TV show?), but I do love me some Miley Cyrus when it's just so catchy. And who cares if it's vapid and poorly conceived and has nothing even remotely approaching depth? I've spent way too much of my life trying to like deep music and trying to be deep myself, when really, sometimes I just want to listen to my music and have some fun.

So I'm gonna go listen to Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston (which I totally know all the words to) and enjoy myself. Later I may break out some Sufjan Stevens or Decemberists, but right now I just need to rock out to some bubblegum pop.

1 comment:

  1. so we were playing a game in our drama group - we could only talk in questions and song titles.
    a) amazing game. try it.
    b) all i could think of when i was in the scene was "party in the usa?"
    c) don't feel too embarrassed, i'm watching "trueblood" right now.
